Preparation time: 45 minutes
Cooking time: 1,5 hour
Ingredients (serves 8-10):
– 1kg meat or chicken
– 2 eggplants
– 2-3 tomatoes
– 2 carrots,
– 4 cloves garlic
– 1 cauliflower
– 350gr rice
– 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
Spices: turmeric, cumin, bay leaves, garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste.
1. Cut the chicken or meat into cubes and fry them, with the spices, for ten minutes until they are crispy. Add water, thus making a broth.
2. Fry the vegetables in a different pan. Add the fried vegetables to the meat/chicken soaked in broth.
3. Place the chicken/meat on the bottom of a big round pot, add layers of fried vegetables, and top it with rice and broth. Cook the pot for 45 minutes over a medium flame (120 degrees Celsius).
4. Finally, let the pot rest for 30 minutes. Then flip the contents upside down. Serve with yogurt.
Sahtein! (Enjoy!)