ABOUT Yasmeen Abukhdeir

Palestinian American writer and project consultant Yasmeen Abukhdeir holds a Master’s degree in international studies and diplomacy from the University of London (SOAS). She has dedicated her career to development work with a focus on international projects that highlight Palestinian heritage. Her bicultural upbringing has given her a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances that define the Palestinian experience. Using this cross-cultural perspective, combined with a deep-rooted love for Palestine, Yasmeen’s work aims to preserve and promote Palestine’s cultural legacy, raise awareness, and share the stories of the Palestinian people.

Yasmeen Abukhdeir's ARCHIVE

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The Glassblower of Hebron
Easy Qalayet Bandura
The Austrian Hospice
Mariam Abu Nijmeh, the Lady of Al-Aqsa
Artist and Architect Yasmeen Monsour
3 beautiful & sustainable guesthouses in Palestine
Husam Abu Esheh
Dalal Odeh

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